Short Film : Proximity
Director : Ryan Connolly
Date Released: 5th December 2013
A group of men wake up to find that their ankles are rigged with proximity triggered bombs, the mens are paired in two while being forced to play a twisted game of survival as they are hunted by their captors. at the same time once the men run in different directions further away from each other, they can trigger the bomb. the short film ends as the main character survives and continues as he appears to be playing the kidnappers role as the game is a continuous cycle.
The genre of the short film are thriller and action because there are fighting scene and killing. The director portrayed this successfully, by using a variety of camera techniques, editing, the storyline and acting. in this short film, it starts off as the three men at the back of the truck, with their faces covered, laying flat on their front as though they are dead.
the short film begins with shaky camera, this technique was used to create an intense mood, also the movement of the truck and as they pull over the shaky camera stops. They used close up to their hands to show that they were tied up at their backs so that the audience know that they have been captured. the shaky camera returns when there is a tense scene to create urgency and excitement as the unsteady scene pulls the audience to the scene as though they are taking part in the film.
side view: as the character is on the floor and sees things from the side the camera itself is also on its side, this shows the character's point of view, because what he saw was one of the short films elements therefore it was important for the audience themselves to see (1:12 the mans shoes)
They used variety shot such as close up, wide shot, panning and many more to show or explain how the game works in the movie for example when the two men starts to run, they run away from each other causing the bomb to trigger.
they used close up to the bomb that was around their ankle. the bomb had a measurement, so you could see how far you could go before the ankle bomb triggers. they used this technique once again to explain how the game works to the audiences.
The location used to play the film, was perfect as it is traditional to use an open bandon place with no public presence where there is killing and fighting taking place, you could also see this repeated in similar movies. also as the film continues to be shot in the woods/forest, the location allowed that to flow as they did not need to change locations. when shooting our short film, as our story line involves killing we could think of a similar location.
The costume for each characters fitted into their roles; they had the characters who played the kidnapped role to wear the same costume, which white coloured trousers and tops, they were dirty and therefore looked darker, this was to give the effect that they have been through things before arriving at the location, giving the short film a more mysterious feel as we don't know how and when they were kidnapped. The captures were dress in opposite costume to highlight the two different roles to the audiences; all black. for the props, the two captures had a gun, this showed that they were at higher position and held more power.
For the lighting they used most of the time natural daylight, however they have edited the movie to look a little more dark and dull looking, this is because they wanted to portray the feel of action and mysterious thriller-like and mood for the movie. when shooting and editing our own short film we too could think about editing a filter to complete the feel and atmosphere of the short film.
no actual makeup used for the short film, although the kidnapped characters do look dirty as though they haven't showered. they used fake blood, for a more realistic feel to the film.
For the sound, they have edited gun shot sound, when shooting the two characters when their bomb triggered. Because the short film has little dialogue or none at all, they replace it with sound that they edited example, he is in the dark alone the musics beat is faster. the reason why they use sound effects is to fill the awkward silence in, and the type they use fits into its genre
Editing of the short film, shot by shot, to put the film in order to make a flowing scene, parts were there are more action, like running or when the director is trying to build tension the cutting rate increases, its more fast paced.
Some quite detailed technical analysis here Sara, and you've been really thoughtful on the sound, camera, editing and mise en scene. You need to proof read and you could be clearer on how this film helps with your own short film idea. Vanessa