Wednesday 3 December 2014

letter from police regarding risk

Prop used: Pellet Gun
 During our video we were aware with the risk of shooting in public with a Pellet gun due to that fact it could make the public very uncomfortable. We therefore took this into consideration and went to the Metropolitan Police Town Centre in Walthamstow. The police said it was fine and gave us permission with some guidelines.
 The following guidelines: The pellet gun must not contain bullets whether it be plastic or metal or any sort of object within the gun.
It must be put away out of sight when finished filming.
The trigger cannot be pulled in any circumstances. .Failure to follow these guidelines will result in prosecution. We took these guidelines very well into consideration and followed these steps. In addition the two main reasons which made the police comfortable was the fact the the actual pellet gun itself could not function properly in any way and was completely disabled and we kept a sign saying "Filming in Progress" which made the public feel more comfortable. Which is why the video shoot went efficiently and safely .
 For safety we took permission from our local police before using the prop so that without any concerns we would have a proof if any concerns would arise.

Tuesday 2 December 2014


Once we were close to finishing our short film, we once again presented it to the class for some final feedback, on our camera angles, editing, Mise-En-scene and sound. We received some useful points and ideas to further develop our short film. We were told to edit out some of the unnecessary clips such as the clock in the beginning this was because the shot was out of focus, far too shaky to be used and had no purpose so it wasn’t an important element. Some of our shots at the beginning for example the facial expressions of the hitman as he opens the folder was blurry and out of focus. Because this was an important clip for the short film we planned to film that part once again. Another feedback that helped us achieve a better outcome was that some close up shots of the character face were not long enough, so we edited the shots by elongating the shots so that it look it was longer. The feedback helped us learn more on what a professional media product must look like and meet the standards, we did this by following our feedback and instructions and trusting the audiences.